Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cool female tattoo by Willie Beatty

female tattoo

woman with tattoo


female tattoo

woman with tattoo


female tattoo

woman with tattoo

when the swallows come back…

when the swallows come back…

female tattoo

oh, thank you!
I LOVE your blog !

female tattoo
What would you think of this tattoo on a female? Would you respect it?
You meet someone who is very pretty and you get a good sensual type vibe. She also has 3 kids that do not live with her but with the father and gives you a sob story about it by blaming the father for her losing the kids. Anyway when you guys are getting busy you notice that the tattoo on her lower back on top of her a$ $ says, "Enjoy the Ride" with flowers all up on the letters. Would this be a woman that you would keep and respect?
I am not seeing this woman...I just want to know what you would think. This is the mother of my kids that did this and is now out tehre living single life...this was the 1st thing she did when she left...get this tattoo


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